Last updated May 2023.
There are a couple of pages on running signals, and ground signals as designed and built for Plumpton Green, and also my earlier methods for Brighton Road (on following pages).
I’ve also now completed the working level crossing gates, and this is described here.
The trackwork for Plumpton Green was designed and drawn using Templot. The layout has now been running for over ten years, and has been exhibited at eighteen shows to date, with two more scheduled for 2023. There have been a few niggles with the trackwork - due to workmanship rather than design - but on the whole there have been few derailments or other problems.
Templot has proved to be an excellent tool for trackwork design and planning, and has much to recommend it. Here are a few thoughts on the use of Templot, and building P4/4mm:ft trackwork.
To improve communication between the signalman and the fiddle yards (and to make the layout more operationally prototypical) I have built two pairs of block instruments, described here.